Monday, December 29, 2008


[tol-er-uhns] –noun- a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry.

Are you just as bigot if you can't tolerate bigotry?! Kinda chicken or the egg, you just keep going around and around.
Well for the record I can't stand bigotry and I have had a few encounters over the years. I am generally left of the middle in my views. I haven't always been this way, I move more left the older I get. I would say my upbringing was more right winged. Natural progression I'd say as you mature and form your own opinion on things.
Anyhoo, I enjoy a good healthy intelligent, well informed debate and try very hard to walk away from those who think what they think for no valid reason, or just because.
The reason I writing about this is I find myself more and more trying to be tolerant of people and their opinions but by geez it's hard at times.
For example; the other evening we had a visitor stay as they were passing through. In conversation he mentioned "all faggots should be shot". Instantly my blood boiled. I seethed in silence, until his next comment was "I told my boys, they are never to bring home a boyfriend, in fact if they had one don't bother coming home at all". I got up and left the room showered and went to bed and barely made conversation with him in the morning before he left.
Of course in retospect I wish lived that situation differently. I would have demanded he leave my house and never make contact again. But I didn't, I couldn't, he is my partners friend and for the sake of their friendship I "tolerated" his bigotry. I can't believe there are people in this world who think like that, especially in my age bracket.
Anyway, intolerance's I have.......
I am impatient and get frustrated easy. I am very aware of this and try on a daily basis to regain myself in these situations.
Outright stupidly annoys the hell out of me. I do wonder how some people manage to get through life.
Laziness. Sure I don't mind a shortcut if the result is the same but, there are some down right lazy attitudes out there.
Taking people for granted, I like to appreciate what people do for me , intentionally or otherwise. It feels nice to be reciprocated too.