Monday, November 24, 2008

It's just not Cricket - Thank God!

Hmmmm, is it un-Australian to admit I just don’t like cricket. I blame my father. He is fanatical. Some of my earliest memories are stained with this sport. Don’t get me wrong I had fun as a kid whilst Dad played on a Saturday at the local cricket club. Mum would watch with the other wives and I was off with the kids climbing trees, beating up my poor little brother and learning how to swear!
In primary school the highlight of my life was to have sleep overs with my friends Karyn and Fleur. My cricket zealous father wouldn't let me go to these sleep overs unless I spent the day watching cricket on telly with him. Sometimes he even made my respective friends do so as well, although they were never held under duress. They could just up and go home, as they often did, feeling very sorry for me.
I am unsure why Dad did this, perhaps it was for the company. I remember hating it so much that I repelled any absorption of the game and it rules. I must have just sat there staring at the telly, lost somewhere in my mind. I still don't understand the silly game. I mean what is, 5 for 123 (is that such a thing?), a duck, and a slip. I know if you hit the ball out of the boundary it equals 6 runs I understand that LBW means Leg ,Before, Wicket, but I don’t understand the consequences of this. I just don’t care.
When we were on holidays in Brisbane, we went to watch the cricket. My Dad was so proud as he the got tickets from a scalper at a good price. How embarrassing! We sat on the Hill. I don’t recall watching one moment of cricket. We were surrounded by drunken louts having the time of their lives. They were mostly fancy dressed and very amusing. I found myself chanting along with them. Great family day out. Anyway, that was highlight of my cricket life.
When I lived in London my friend Fleur (yes my sleep over childhood friend) lived in St Johns Wood. She had the best view over Lords Cricket ground. When I visited her the first time we had a good ol' laugh about how Dad would think her apartment was cricket Nirvana.
I have even feigned interested in the sport under this misguided notion that it would impress a boyfriend. We went to Lords and watch some bloody international game England V India. I sat there pretending to know what was going on, copying the reaction of the crowd, so as to look like I understood what was going on. Pity we were sitting amongst the Indian team supporters. You’d think I’d notice that! Sad huh!
Anyhoo, the reason for the post regarding a sport I detest is, cricket season to me equals christmas. As soon as I get my first taste of a game on telly, I quickly switch channels and then sink into the comfort of the christmas feeling.
Having experienced white christmases, which were nice for the experience, nothing beats an aussie christmas.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

.....and you're under (my influence)

Today I shrugged my shoulders and pouted in an exaggerated fashion to make the point to Makenna that it was "all gone". She mimicked me in the same exaggerated manner. Eek it was like looking at my, over the top reflection. This mimicking has also made me very aware of the amount of times I say No and uh -oh, as they are repeated to me in the same style delivered to her over and over and over, throughout the day. It does make me more mindful of my parenting and the subliminal influences we have on our children.
Usually I find Coen quite easy to put to sleep. If he has a clean nappy and a belly full of milk I can lie him in his bassinet and gaze into his eyes and he in mine. His eyelids slowly drop and he is asleep. So long as I am the last thing he sees as he falls asleep. I often recite in my head, "Look into my eyes, not around the eyes, into my eyes and you're under" because it can be that easy. (Disclaimer - most days)

Bon Voyage Richard

Richard is leaving for Japan today. His first overseas trip and guess what! He is travelling executive class JAL I am afraid he will never be happy on another airplane after this trip. He won the trip through and incentive program at his work. He worked hard and deserves it, however I can only foresee nothing less than ordinary for future overseas trips we may have. Forever comparing our affordable cattle class to his all expenses paid holiday. Oh well, only he will ever know what his missing. I'll still feel at home at the back end of the plane.

My Island Dream

Sometimes I wish I could gather up all my friends so we can go and live on an island together, with our families and loved ones. Perhaps I feel I would be better understood on this island. Perhaps I am feeling this way as I am so far away from my loved ones. I have a couple of friends who I seem to be living parallel lives with. People I reveled with both in Australia and the UK who are now settled and having babies. They too must be feeling similar emotions to myself on this roller coaster ride of motherhood. The only downside to having this island is not meeting anyone new. God knows I have been in enough situations in my life where I have had to meet new people, and as much as I want to say "Enough", I can't, per chance I may miss picking up another gem along the way.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bloody Angelina

Do you have days where you wonder if you are the only one who feels the way you do?
Richard assured me this morning that I was probably not alone in my feelings and I shouldn't feel bad about them.
It all started with me being very tired and waking around midnight to breastfeed Coen. He had trouble resettling. During my marathon effort of trying to resettling him, Makenna decided she too wanted to wake. Here I was, too-ing and frow-ing between my babies and getting rather frustrated in the act. All the time assuring Richard that I didn't need his assistance. I was thinking, what was the point, only one of us need to be awake. Eventually I settled Makenna and just had to pay attention to calming Coen, as I stood beside his bassinette rocking it gently, I said through my tears to Richard "I bet Angelina Jolie isn't rocking the cradle in the middle of night and tending to a teething toddler" I couldn't stop crying, Richard handed me a handkerchief and held me tight. I was just so tired...
I awoke this morning from a sleep in, to bacon and eggs, a nice hot cup of tea, peaceful and happy children and a man who loves me. That weight of the world had lifted once again. It will come back, of that I am certain, but I know it will be lifted time and time again.